Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Further Praise for Simplicity

 Being without regular gaming sessions for almost 2 years has reinforced my appreciation for simple games. I initially overlooked a series of titles from one of my favorite game designers. The Hammer system of rules by Ivan Sorensen from Nordic Weasel Games. They are very old school in design. 2D6 rolls, hit points for damage and IGOUGO turns. Before the enforced break from gaming I was playing small scale skirmish battles, but now I wouldn't mind something larger. It would allow me to use the left over masses of figures from the boxes of figs I purchased for my skirmish armies. I have embraced the "just pushing around toy soldiers" trope of gaming and the style of the rules doesn't rub me the wrong way any longer. I was initially put off by the very things I now appreciate, odd yes? I took advantage of the bundles on Wargames Vault. If you want to not focus on details and just get down to gaming with lots of stuff on the table, then check them out. 

The rules are very adaptable. If you want to fight dinosaurs vs tanks you can, as it shows on the cover of one of the rule sets.

1 comment:

  1. I like the simple rules too. I game for fun and I don't find "complex" to be much fun. By the way, how did the KV do against the triceratops?
